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Application Page

SOON: COMET isn't recruiting yet, but it will be before long!

OPEN: We're actively looking for people! Plenty of spots.

LIMITED: We've got several players, but are open for more.

VERY LIMITED: There's still room, but we're closing applications shortly!

CLOSED: We're no longer taking new members, as we believe in a

                    medium-sized, active FC.

Recruiting Status: 

Applications will be closing soon!

If you're interested, apply quickly!

Please ensure you have properly read all information before applying!

If you are caught lying in any capacity on this form, you will automatically be DENIED

Keep in mind that many events may be held in high-level areas, and that low-level players/alts may not be able to access them.

Persons on our Free Company Blacklist will have their applications denied automatically and are not welcome on our website, our discord, or through any affiliations.

Additional notes:

Please do not apply with any aliens, YoRHa robots, or auspices. Any individuals with "Garlean Experiment" in their backstory may be asked questions on the specifics of the subject to prevent further confusion. We apologize for the inconvenience!


Please be honest and descriptive as possible, ensuring the fields are FULLY FILLED IN.

The more effort put into your application, the better--it's hard to really grasp if you'll be a good fit if you give us the bare minimum amount of information, and it's far more likely you'll be ignored or denied if you do.
(Please try and keep it under 2,000 characters though or your application may not go through!)

If you have not heard back in 7 business days, your application has been denied.

Please don't "borrow" or "find inspiration from" our Discord setup, website setup, or Combat System in any way, shape, or form. By joining our discord or applying to COMET, you agree to not pilfer concepts, characters, storylines, or systems in any capacity.

It's common courtesy not to take things that don't belong to you.

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